Journal of Social Sciences and English Literature2025-02-28T14:40:25+00:00Open Journal Systems<p>ISSN: 2576-683X</p> Early Literacy Through the Impact of the Marungko Approach on Kindergarten Reading Proficiency2025-02-06T15:45:55+00:00Jojina Nabuajojinanabua@gmail.comKaitlin Marie OpingoOpingoadd@gmail.comAdrian DuitesDuitesadd@gmail.coomRandy MangubatMangubatadd@gmail.comVeronica<p>The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not the Marungko Approach is beneficial in improving early reading skills among kindergarten pupils. In the beginning, the majority of the individuals had a low reading skill, with the majority of them scoring "Poor" or "Fair" across a variety of markers. Following the introduction of the Marungko Approach, a significant shift was noted, with the majority of pupils obtaining ratings of "Excellent" or "Very Good." This progress was not only observable in raw scores, but it was also statistically supported by t-tests, which confirmed that there were substantial improvements in all reading metrics. Based on these findings, the Marungko Approach is demonstrated to be an excellent educational tool for the development of early literacy, which suggests that it should be incorporated into the curriculum being taught in kindergarten. Learners' recognition of letter names, sounds, and starting sounds, as well as their ability to read familiar words and oral passages, are considerably improved as a result of this strategy, which lays a solid foundation for future academic achievement.</p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025's Natural Resources and their Potential for Economic Development2025-02-01T06:05:42+00:00Khaled Ali Saleh<p>This paper aims to analyse Yemen's natural resources and assess their potential for economic development. It highlights key resources, challenges and strategies for sustainable use to promote growth and stability. Yemen is endowed with diverse natural resources, including oil, natural gas, renewable energy, minerals, and fisheries, which are essential for its economic growth and development. Despite these resources, Yemen faces challenges such as political instability, poor infrastructure, and resource mismanagement that hinder sustainable development. This paper explores the key natural resources in Yemen, their economic contributions, and the barriers to their utilization. It highlights the potential of renewable energy and fisheries to diversify the economy and proposes strategies for sustainable development. Through effective governance, investments in infrastructure, and the adoption of renewable energy, Yemen can overcome these challenges and achieve economic stability and growth.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Metafunctional Analysis of the Folk Song of Han “Bei Ge” and Its English Translations2025-02-08T13:18:25+00:00Huaming<p>This paper attempts to analyze and compare transitivity processes of “Bei Ge” and its six English translations from the perspective of experiential function of Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics and makes a comment on the similarities and differences between them. Through the analysis of the transitivity of the poem and its translations, it is found that there are 4 versions for the first line, 2 versions for the second, sixth and seventh lines, 5 versions for the third line, 3 versions for the fourth line and 1 version for the fifth and eighth lines, in which the transitivity maintains a high consistency with the original poem. At the end of the paper, a revised version is provided based on the transitivity of the original poem. This study can give clues to the study of poems and their translations of the transitivity processes, by exploring the differences of participants and circumstantial elements with the theoretical framework of Functional Grammar.</p>2025-02-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Perspectives: General and Special Educators on Inclusive Learning Strategies2025-02-10T15:51:14+00:00Olga Rosal-Oliveriooliverologa@gmail.comMarites CagadasCagadasadd@gmail.comMarilou ParaisoParaisoadd@gmail.comRaymond EspinaEspinaadd@gmail.comRandy MangubatMangubatadd@gmail.comAnabelle PantaleonPantaleonadd@gmail.comVeronica<p>This study examined the attitudes of General Education and Special Education (SPED) teachers in handling learners with special educational needs (SEN). Using a descriptive-correlational research design, the study assessed teachers’ perceptions of inclusive education and their willingness to implement instructional strategies that support diverse learners. Findings revealed that both General Education and SPED teachers hold positive attitudes toward inclusive education, with SPED teachers exhibiting slightly higher attitude scores. However, statistical analysis indicated no significant difference between the two groups (p = 0.479), suggesting a shared perspective on the inclusion of learners with disabilities. Key indicators such as the elimination of separate classrooms, mentoring from experienced educators, and fostering a welcoming classroom environment were rated positively by both groups. Despite the favorable attitudes, challenges such as limited resources, lack of professional training, and concerns about workload may hinder effective implementation. These findings align with previous research emphasizing that teacher preparedness and institutional support are critical factors in the success of inclusive education. The study recommends continuous professional development programs, collaborative learning opportunities, and enhanced institutional support to strengthen teachers’ abilities in managing inclusive classrooms. Addressing these factors will improve the overall effectiveness of inclusive education and support the academic and social development of learners with SEN.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Competency in Teaching: Evaluating Computer-Based Learning in Basic Education2025-02-10T16:38:03+00:00Cefrenito Escalantecefrenitoescalante@gmail.comJan Cleo Mar TilusTilusadd@gmail.comJocelyn OclaritOclaritadd@gmail.comEugenia PerezPerezadd@gmail.comJanice GultianGultianadd@gmail.comKris PagaranPagaranadd@gmail.comArlene DanoDanoadd@gmail.comRemcil NeriNeriadd@gmail.comReycher<p>This study examines the challenges, barriers, and effectiveness of ICT-based instruction in education, focusing on word processing, basic computer hardware, web browsing, and educational games. The findings reveal that while teachers fully deliver lessons on fundamental ICT skills, students only partially acquire them, highlighting a gap in learning. The most frequently encountered challenges include slow internet connectivity, insufficient ICT training for teachers, and a lack of school resources, which hinder the effective integration of technology in classrooms. Despite these obstacles, educational games have demonstrated potential in engaging students, though their effectiveness depends on proper implementation and teacher preparedness. Previous research supports the need for improved ICT infrastructure and professional development programs to enhance digital literacy and learning outcomes. Addressing these challenges through targeted interventions can help bridge the gap between teaching and learning, ensuring that students maximize the benefits of ICT in education.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 the Quality of Mathematics Learning through Strengthening Pedagogical Competencies, Effectiveness of Project Based Learning Creativity and Achievement Motivation2025-02-11T14:04:23+00:00Andi Hermawan<p>The intensity of systemic linkages and synergy among teachers, students, curriculum, learning materials, media, facilities, and learning systems in producing optimal learning processes and outcomes in accordance with curricular demands defines the quality of learning. The quality of learning is a crucial element related to achieving educational goals. Various educational development reports indicate that the quality of mathematics learning at private vocational schools in Bogor Regency does not meet expectations, both in terms of educational goals and competency demands. Therefore, research is necessary to gather information on variables related to improving the quality of learning. The aim of this research is to implement strategies and methods to enhance the quality of learning by investigating the influence of variables such as pedagogical competence, effectiveness of project-based learning (PjBL), creativity, achievement motivation, and learning quality. This research employs the path analysis method to determine the influence among the studied variables and the SITOREM method for indicator analysis to develop strategies and methods for improving the quality of learning.</p>2025-02-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Sites of Paradoxes: A Study of the (IM)Possibility of Community in Gish Jen’s World and Town2025-02-12T05:20:55+00:00Yu-yen<p>Gish Jen is widely recognized as a preeminent fiction and nonfiction writer in contemporary America. A second-generation Chinese American, Jen has distinguished herself in the literary world with her compelling works, most of which have been at once intelligible and thought-provoking. Her fourth novel, World and Town, offers a provocative and purposeful look at issues concerning a cosmopolitan world. The novel, however, has not received the academic attention it deserves. The novel’s supposedly “immense scale,” as hinted in the title along with its suggestive theme, eludes the reader's interpretative grasp, which contributes to its general lack of critical and profound exploration. This essay intends to do justice to Gish Jen’s World and Town through an investigation of “community”—an important approach that has not been systematically and adequately examined in the field of literary studies.</p>2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Study on the Value Evaluation System of Recreational Sports and Leisure Resources from the Perspective of Tourists' Psychology2025-02-14T12:48:31+00:00Lei<p>The aim of this study is to construct a value evaluation system for leisure sports and recreational resources based on tourists' psychological perspectives. Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the study analyzed the weights of four criteria factors, namely diversity of recreational resources, service quality, pricing strategy, and environmental quality, with a focus on tourists' intention to revisit. Among these factors, environmental quality has the highest weight, accounting for 46.811%. At the secondary indicator level, among the diversity of recreational resources, environmental landscape diversity has the highest weight, reaching 45.793%; among service quality factors, the weight of service quality level is the highest, accounting for 44.343%; among pricing strategy factors, the weight of pricing rationality is the highest, accounting for 54.995%. In the scheme level, the study selected three schemes, namely Xi'an Olympic Sports Center, Xi'an Sports Stadium, and Xi'an Urban Sports Park. After the single sorting of indicators and the overall sorting of scheme level, Xi'an Olympic Sports Center obtained the highest score of 4.517 points, indicating that it is the leisure sports and recreational resource with the highest intention for tourists to revisit. The study's CR value was verified by a one-time test, demonstrating its reliability. The AHP hierarchy analysis method used in this study is a commonly used multi-index decision-making method that can accurately evaluate the weight of different factors and assess leisure sports and recreational resources. The quantified analysis of the scores of different factors and schemes provides a reference for decision-makers, helping to optimize the management and service of leisure sports and recreational resources, and improve tourist satisfaction and intention to revisit.</p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 EFL Student Teachers Cross-Culturally and Humanely for Promoting Social Justice2025-02-22T16:13:35+00:00Ruwaida Abu<p>This qualitative research study investigates the contribution of a course called Multiculturalism in Literature for 52 Arab Muslim student teachers who were pursuing their B.Ed. majoring in teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in the central part of Israel. The course exposed them to cultural diversity, conflicts, and processes of adjustment of Indigenous peoples and immigrants in English-speaking countries. Data collection included analyzing their reflections, which showed that the course helped them promote their cross-cultural competence, raise their awareness of issues of social injustice, and feel empowered. It can be concluded that integrating such a course would help qualify EFL teachers not only linguistically but also cross-culturally and humanely as agents for social change.</p>2025-02-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Effectiveness of Inclusive Education Practices on Social Outcomes for Students with Disabilities2025-02-28T14:40:25+00:00Janice Labrajanicelabra@gmail.comLilibeth PiniliPiniliadd@gmail.comLindley SaladagaSaladagaadd@gmail.comVeronica<p>This study assessed the relationship between inclusive education practices and the social outcomes of students, including sense of belonging, collaboration skills, and conflict resolution. Inclusive education practices assessed include teaching strategies, classroom modifications, and support services. Data from students were analyzed to determine the significance of these practices in influencing social outcomes. The findings revealed no significant relationship between the level of inclusive education practices and the measured social outcomes. Teaching strategies, classroom modifications, and support services showed weak or negligible correlations with students' sense of belonging, collaboration skills, and conflict resolution. Despite these results, the study highlights the critical role of inclusive education in promoting accessibility and participation for all students. The lack of measurable impact on social outcomes suggests that factors beyond the assessed practices, such as peer interactions, family influence, or school culture, may play a more prominent role in shaping social skills. Based on these findings, the study recommends targeted interventions, such as social skills training, fostering supportive school cultures, integrating social-emotional learning (SEL), and enhancing teacher training in managing social dynamics. These strategies aim to bridge the gap between inclusive education practices and social development. The study emphasizes the need for holistic approaches that combine academic support with intentional efforts to nurture students’ interpersonal growth, ensuring both academic success and social well-being in inclusive educational settings.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025