Risk and Return Analysis of Mutual Fund Industry in India

Risk and Return Analysis of Mutual Fund Industry in India


  • Bilal Ahmad Pandow Senior Lecturer, Middle East College, Oman
  • Khurshid Ahmad Butt Dean, Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies, University of Kashmir




Mutual funds, Risk, Return, Investors.


The mutual funds is one of the important classes of financial intermediaries enabling tens of thousands small and large savers across India to participate in and get the benefits of the capital market. The involvement of mutual funds in the transformation of India’s economy makes it all the more important to review their services for their role in mobilization and allocation of funds in the markets. The mutual funds have a lot of potential to grow but to capitalize the potential fully, however, the need is to create and market innovative products and frame distinct marketing strategies. Moreover, the equity culture has not yet developed fully in India as such, investor education would be equally important for greater penetration of mutual funds. As such mutual funds are expected to perform better than the market, therefore calls for a continuous evaluation of the performance of funds. In an academic perspective, the goal of identifying superior fund managers is of great interest due to the challenges it provides to the efficient market hypothesis. The present study looks into the risk and return analysis of the select mutual funds in India.




How to Cite

Pandow, B. A., & Butt, K. A. (2017). Risk and Return Analysis of Mutual Fund Industry in India. Journal of Banking and Financial Dynamics, 1, 54–65. https://doi.org/10.20448/journal.525.2017.11.54.65


