Effects of Feeding Different Dose of Cynoglossum Zeylanicum Leaf Extract on the Growth Performance and Haemato-Biochemical Parameters of Pekin Ducks
Cynoglossum zeylanicum, Ducks, Extracts, Haematology, Phyto-Components, Serum.Abstract
One of the solution to curb the increase in cases of antibiotic resistance is the use of herbs or medicinal plants. This is because they are non-toxic, safe, eco-friendly and does not require any withdrawal period. This is made possible by the presence of phyto-compounds, which have numerous pharmacological activities. A 60 days experiment was carried out to examine the effects of feeding different dose of Cynoglossum zeylanicum leaf extract on the growth performance and some haemato-biochemical parameters of Pekin ducks. 432 - Pekin ducklings of mixed sex with 40.0 ± 0.60 g average initial body weight were randomly distributed into six groups with six replicates (12 birds per replicate). Adopting a completely randomized experimental design, ducklings in group 1 (control) was fed only basal diet while those in group 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 received basal diet with Cynoglossum zeylanicum leaf extract at 2 mL, 4 mL, 6mL, 8mL and 10mL per liter of water respectively. Experimental (basal) diet was prepared to meet the nutritional needs of birds according to the recommendation of NRC (1994), birds also had unrestricted access to fresh water and feed. Result obtained revealed that birds fed Cynoglossum zeylanicum leaf extract had a higher average daily weight gain, average daily feed consumption and improved feed conversion ratio compared to the control. Protein and energy intake was lower in group 1 and higher in group 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (p˂0.05). Hematocrit, total erythrocytes, haemoglobin, total leucocytes, basophils, heterophils, lymphocytes and monocyte count follow similar trend and values were within the reference rate for ducks. Similarly, total protein, glucose and cholesterol values were significantly (p˂0.05) affected. It was concluded that Cynoglossum zeylanicum leaf extract is rich in phyto-compounds with several therapeutic properties. Ducks can tolerate up to 10 mL/liter of water without any drop in growth performance and health status.